Candid Yams Kickback VI: Paid In Full

By CYTeam (other events)

Friday, October 27 2017 7:00 PM 10:00 PM EDT

A young man from Harlem; intrigued by the 1980s drug scene, builds an illegal empire... only to have a crisis of conscience.

The 1980's in America were historic in the Hip-Hop culture, but also brought about the rise of the crack era. During this time, the black community was split between the streets, jail-time, murder, & addiction, leaving black households in shambles.

We know that education has always been the key to unlocking a future full of possibilities. However, in 2017 the question must be asked: Are our leading instiutions (HBCU's) fitting the bill?

Questions to consider:

1. What is the average earning potential of a black HBCU graduate compared to the like at a predominantly white institution?

2. Game of Loans: Black families are still depending on college to prepare their students for life after college. Are they signing them up for freedom or reconstructed LOAN Slavery post graduation?

3. What are the keys to paying for debt or not having any debt at all post graduation?

4. How do we equip students with the actionable knowledge to become gainfully employed post graduation?

The leading question for this discussion: Are HBCU degrees fitting the bill?